Monday, February 25, 2008

I have this friend

I have this friend, who shall remain nameless. She is amazing. She has 6 kids, 3 adult kids 3 little ones. I have never actually met her, and I might never get to. Although I did get to talk to her on the phone once, years ago. She lives in England.

See, I met her through an online message board. I have other friends on there, but right now, this blog is about her. I get to read her blog daily, and it is amazing the things that she goes through! And she always comes out ok. And with her faith intact. It is amazing. She just comes across as so patient with her children, so understanding. Don't get me wrong, I have no delusion that she is perfect. I am quite sure that she screams & yells at her kids. I mean, who doesn't? lol But I am also quite sure that she loves those kids so much!

I just had to post this because really, any person that you can consider a friend when you have never laid eyes on them and might never, is amazing! It is amazing to consider these people friends. I post about her because . . . I want SMARTIES!! lol

It is amazing to me. I have made friends with women (and one man) who I might never meet in person. I would love to though. They are all so wonderful. Ok, not all of them . . . some are complete COWS! But some, ok, most, are amazing! I would love to meet so many of them.

A group of them had a meet up in Boston over the weekend. I would have loved to have been able to go. Oh well, maybe another time!



Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

You would have been MOST welcome :) I would have greatly enjoyed meeting you!

The other me said...

HA HA!! What are you like? I am SO glad that I really and honestly, I am not lying...bought you smarties today!! I emailed you when I got home and asked for your address! I would feel like a cow if I hadn't already bought I feel a bit splendid and yes, in fact this very morning, when we had been in the car for less than 3 minutes, I yelled REALLY LOUDLY at the 3 little gits, so loudly that they were all stunned into complete silence and were total angels the whole time we were out!

Jenn said...

wish you could have been there with us in Boston!
Geez girl, if you want Smarties, I'll send you some more....
I'm heading to the US in 10 days, If I mail them from the US, you should get them super fast, right? email me with your addy .

Caryn said...

I wish I could have gone to Boston too!! But, I my luck, I would have gotten snowed in or stuck somewhere where I knew no one. Some random city...where I would have had to chill for a few days. It wouldn't have been near as much fun. lol. And I love all our online friends too. And I love YOU!!! You are an awesome person yourself, ma'am.