Thursday, February 05, 2009

Maybe I should go for every other day!

LOL Ok, this is just too funny. I'm hitting the odd days. Maybe I should change my goal?

This Sun is my cousins sons 1st b-day party. Well, it was. Mom called for all of us and said that we weren't coming, we were all going to Reno. Which we are. Just not this weekend. lol Last night I got an email telling me that the party is changed and it is now next Sun. ARGH! So now we have to go. And I told my mom that I had shipped the gifts before we got that email so now I have to go do that. I cannot believe our luck with this one.

Going to try to plant my new flowers today. Hopefully we can. It is supposed to rain. Which is really good, we need it. But why today? lol Oh well!

And now off to try to get things done!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

CRAP!! Messed up on the 2nd day!

Man, apparently, I can't even go 2 day doing this! lol But we'll try to keep going from here.

In my defense, yesterday was chaotic. Took R to daycare, got my haircut, went to Target, grocery shopping, home, put away the perishables, went to Curves to sign up, came home, made dinner, watched my one tv show that I like. Yeah, it was busy.

Today was not as bad. Went to MOPS, then for a picnic with J & her boys. Went to the Flower Farm and got flowers. I'm going to try to plant them tomorrow.

I'm really having a lot of fun with R lately. It seems like his poor attitude and failure to listen is improving. I can't wait for this phase to be over. I've been feeling awful because I hadn't been enjoying him as much as normal but with his improved attitude mine is improving as well.

Alright, more tomorrow!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

A month of blogging

I have a friend who was going to try to blog every day for 30 days. She made it, I think, 4 days. Maybe 5. Anyway, I'm going to try to blog every day for the month of Feb. We'll see how it goes. lol

Today is Super Bowl XLIII. I don't know what that number is. lol At one point in my life I would have. I remember my Dad making me learn all my Roman numerals. I still remember 1-12 because, well let's be honest, they are on my clock. Ah, the ability to search the internet. lol It's 43.

Anyway, we're going to my folks later to watch the game. Have I mentioned that I hate football? lol Oh well, the commercials are good.

Alright, I'll be back tomorrow! lol Hopefully.