Saturday, February 09, 2008

I'm done!!!

I got the email to apply for my credential!!!! So, now I just need to go to the website and fill out the form (and, of course, pay the state!) and I will get my credential! YAY!!!! Now we just have to hope & pray that I get hired for fall.

I've been kept busy with subbing though. I've subbed 11 days in a month. Would have been 12, but we had a snow day. I check EdJoin daily for job listings. lol Even on the weekends. Once I get this regular, not 30 day limited, credential, I need to call Nancy at the office and see if I need to bring them a copy of it or what. I would LOVE a long term position. It could really be an in with the district if I do. Course, I have now subbed: kinder; 1/2 combo; 3rd; 4th; 5/6 combo & high school resource. I have been at all but one of the schools that I am willing to go to. And that is only because the campuses are split into primary and elementary. lol

Last night Riley was running in circles around the living room in socks & Robeez (nothing else), with a quesadilla in one hand and his penis in the other, farting. OMG! I cannot get over this BOY stuff. And the womens lib movement has tried to convince us that we're the same! HAH! Girls don't do stuff like that. They also don't fly a toy airplane around, while making plane noises, and drop them and yell "CRASH!" lol son is a budding little plane dropper. Not gonna let HIM be a pilot! lol

Darn it, I thought of something else to write when I was writing about Riley and I forgot what it was now. Dang! Oh well, guess it wasn't important!

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