Saturday, January 19, 2008

Riley thinks...

that we live in Europe. Everytime he gives or gets kisses, it has to be one cheek, then the other. EVERYTIME! lol You can not kiss him on one cheek without kissing the other. And if you try to get away with only kissing one cheek, he turns his head and says "CHEEK!" It is so cute! He learned this from Oma & Opa when they got home from France.

They, of course, have to do things "European", while complaining about how liberal Europe is. I swear, somedays I just think that they are so insecure that they do these things to feel better about themselves. You know, "When we were in Istanbul" *IBEREH*** I just get so tired of it all! LOL

Anyway, this isn't supposed to be a rant about the IL's. lol It was supposed to be about something cute that the Riley-man does! So, I will leave the IL rant for another time!

**IBEREH--Insert Big Eye Rolling Emotionicon Here", as coined by a friend on BZ.

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