Sunday, November 23, 2008

Frigging goat in my road!

So I live in the boonies. I've been caught in a cattle drive trying to get out of town, just to give you an idea of what it's like here.

I'm driving home tonight. R is in the backseat, B is in his car behind us. THERE WAS A FRIGGING GOAT IN THE ROAD!!!!!!! Not a deer, not a cow (cow pasture next to me), A FRIGGING GOAT!!!

Now, understand, I HATE goats. I despise them. They are evil and I hate them all because they are goats. There is zero need for goats on this planet and they shouldn't be here. Can you tell me anything good that goats do? No, because they don't do anything good. They are stupid and evil.

So what do I do? I stop, completely, to make sure that the goat gets into the field. Flash my lights at the car coming toward me to let them know that something is going on (common practice around here when an animal is in the road). Had to honk my horn before the stupid frigging goat went into the field.

The rest of the way home, about 10 min, I'm muttering about the frigging goat in the road. Get home, B goes to pull R out of the car seat and R looks at him and says "Frigging goat in road Daddy!" LMBO!!

Thank God I said "frigging" and not what I was thinking!!! I thought the little monkey was asleep.

A FRIGGING GOAT IN THE ROAD!!! My God. And to think I thought that I'd never see another animal in the road that would surprise me!

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