Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Train show

Well, R has been dry since last Mon, Nov. 3. I need to wash one more load of diapers because there have been a couple used, but that's it. I'm DONE WASHING DIAPERS!!!!! He is still in a 'sposie over night and at nap time, but that's it. Over 3 years of washing diapers 3 times a week, DONE!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!

Sat we took him to a train show. It was fun. He always has fun at these things. I took some pics of one of the layouts and the men running the layout want me to email the pics so that they can put them on the web site. :) Anyway, the train show was fun.

We're watching "The Nightmare Before Christmas" right now. R loves this movie. It's a little weird that he loves it so much. But he LOVES Jack. lol And amazing to me that he'll sit through it. But he loves it. Tries to remove heads like Jack can remove his too. lol Kids!

Today is veterans day. So no school today for the district, which means no subbing. And tomorrow I go to the neurologist. So nothing for tomorrow. Hopefully something for Thurs. And Fri. And next week too. I'm stressing with no jobs. I want to be working. I was counting on the extra money for Christmas. :(

Oh well, time to get on with my day! Later!

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