Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I finished!!!!!!!

I finished the kitchen. YAY!!!!!! Next room, I think I'm going to tackle Riley's room. I was going to go room to room, but I decided instead that R's room needs to be cleaned. Of course, this means that I can't start till Mon when he's not home. I just can't do it when he's home. I mean, he doesn't want to get rid of stuff. He is such his dad's boy!

I'm feeling really frustrated with stupid people getting themselves pregnant. I mean, if you're in a not good time to get pregnant you have a couple of choices. Keep your legs closed or use birth control. To the lady at MOPs, I'm sorry that you're pregnant when you have a 5 month old. Must suck to be fertile. If you didn't want more kids right now, either refrain from sex or use birth control.

It just sucks when people get pregnant when they don't want to be. It can be prevented. Just don't be stupid & then bitch about it to ME.

Alright, more when I get started on the next room!


Sara said...

Hurray for getting your kitchen done!!! I am looking forward to getting all of Kevin's stuff done over the next six to eight weeks. Good luck with Riley's room. I always feel guilty for getting rid of the kids stuff behind their backs, but they want to keep everything so I have to do it.

*~*Zann*~* said...

Oh, I feel ZERO guilt! lol