Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Trying to catch up

I am trying to catch up on all the work around the house that Brad didn't do this weekend. I've got a load in the washer, one in the dryer. I just don't feel like I can get it all done today. Course, sitting on my butt on the computer isn't getting the work done.

I'm a little bit anxious. Apparently I was supposed to have a follow up with the GI dr to go over my results. When they biopsied my mole they sent me a letter that it was negative, which we knew. The fact that he wants to see me to go over it makes me nervous. But I don't know what I can do as far as getting in. You can't frigging call me with a "reminder" on Tues night for a Thurs appt! It's only a reminder if I knew about the appt before hand! ARGH! So now I wait to hear if he will do a phone call or not.

We're also waiting to hear if the offer mom & dad put on a house is accepted or not.


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